Student Council

Student Council

Academic Year -2023-24
SrName of facultyPosition
1Dr. Nitin AgarwalChairman
2Ms. Rashmi SinghConvenor
3Mr. B.D.MishraJoint Convenor
4Ms. Lalta NirmalMember
5Ms. Shrutika KhotMember
6Ms. Pallavi NaikMember (Non-Teaching)
7Mr. Ahad KhatriGeneral Secretary
8Ms. Rachel SangatiLady Representative

Class Representatives

Academic Year -2023-24
Sr. Class Name Of The Students
1 FYBCOM Adiwal Vansh
2 FYBCOM Shaikh Farheen
3 SYBCOM Jaiswar Anilkumar
4 SYBCOM Shah Iram
5 TYBCOM Harijan Raanjesh
6 TYBCOM Dash Pooja
7 FYBMS Siddiiqui Farhan
8 FYBMS Shukla Somya
9 SYBMS Shaikh Adiba
10 TYBMS Gautam Sahulkumar
11 TYBMS Khumbar Riya
12 SYBAMMC Idrisi Hina
13 TYBAMMC Ansari Mohd Naved
14 FYBSC IT Gupta Rajkumar
15 FYBSC IT Verma Princy
16 SYBSC IT Abhishek Jaiswall
17 SYBSC IT Sayyed Tehmeena
18 TYBSC IT Jha Sudhanshu
19 FYBSC CS Shaikh Abdul
20 FYBSC CS Jaiswar Sanjukumari
21 SYBSC CS Pathak Rajat
22 TYBSC CS Khan Shoeb
23 FYBSC Singh Anchal
24 SYBSC Mishra Abhishek
25 TYBSC Shaikh Rahil

Functions of Students’ Council, as per UNIFORM STATUTE NO. 5 OF 2018, prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra under MAHARASHTRA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES ACT, 2016, No. PARINI-2018/C R. No. 104/VISHI-2-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (10) of section 72 read with sub-section (12) of section 71 of the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 (Mah. Act. No. VI of 2017)

  1. Representation: Acting as a voice for students and representing their interests and concerns to the school administration, faculty, and other stakeholders.
  2. Advocacy: Advocating for student rights, needs, and welfare by addressing issues such as academic policies, campus facilities, student safety, and social initiatives.
  3. Event Organization: Planning and executing various events, including social gatherings, cultural activities, sports tournaments, and charity drives, to enhance student engagement and school spirit.
  4. Communication: Serving as a communication bridge between students, teachers, administrators, and other school organizations, promoting effective and transparent communication channels.
  5. Policy Development: Participating in the decision-making process by providing student perspectives and feedback on academic policies, disciplinary measures, and other relevant school regulations.
  6. Service Projects: Initiating and coordinating community service projects, such as volunteering opportunities, awareness campaigns, and fundraising initiatives, to develop a sense of social responsibility among students.
  7. Leadership Development: Creating opportunities for leadership development and personal growth by organizing workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs for students interested in taking on leadership roles.
  8. Collaboration: Collaborating with other student clubs, organizations, and committees to foster teamwork, coordination, and mutual support in achieving shared goals.
  9. Student Welfare: Addressing issues related to student well-being, mental health, diversity, and inclusivity, ensuring a supportive and inclusive school environment.
  10. Feedback Collection: Gathering feedback from students through surveys, suggestion boxes, and interactive sessions to assess student satisfaction and continuously improve the overall student experience.  
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